For a most enjoyable game experience,
take a few minutes to read through the game play
instructions below.

How To Play

For a most enjoyable game experience, take a few minutes to read through the game play instructions below.


For a most enjoyable game experience, take a few minutes to read
through the game play instructions below.

Portfoli-oh! Pictorial Guide

Game Aims

The aim is to achieve maximum value through investment in novel new medicines, either individually or as a portfolio via collecting and resourcing of individual drugs and therapy area portfolios (Oncology, CV and Infection). Cards consist of projects (3 therapy areas, each with three

stages and different values), resources (3 stages) and risks and
opportunities. There are also in licensed projects and wild cards for
different therapy areas and stages.

Here we see a fully resourced oncology project ready for approval (far left).

Rather than 3 standard cards with resource allocated, this oncology project could include one or more project wild cards (in this case 1 allocated to oncology clinical) (centre) or in licensed projects (in this case 1 oncology clinical with resource) (right).

The same is true of the other therapy areas.

Here we see a fully resourced oncology project ready for approval (far left).

Rather than 3 standard cards with resource allocated, this oncology project could include one or more project wild cards (in this case 1 allocated to oncology clinical) (centre) or in licensed projects (in this case 1 oncology clinical with resource) (right).

The same is true of the other therapy areas.

Game Set Up

Game can be played by 2, 3 or 4 players, and works well with teams of any number of players. Each player/team chooses a counter and places it just off the board at position zero. Game cards (resources and projects) are thoroughly shuffled together and put in a 9-card grid face up with the rest in a face down deck. In licensed projects, risks and opportunities and board strategy cards are shuffled and placed face down in 3 stacks.

Game Play

Each player is dealt 3 board strategy cards and must keep at least one. These are kept secret from other players. At any point in the game any player can use a turn to take 3 more board strategy cards from the top of the deck and must retain at least one, returning unwanted cards to the deck. Players cannot keep duplicates. No player can have more than 3 board strategy cards in play at any given time so if a player acquires a fourth card through risk and opportunity one must be discarded.

Play proceeds clockwise starting with the player/team member who had the most recent birthday. At each turn, players pick up an entire row, column or diagonal (3 cards) and implement decisions resulting from those cards including exchanging resource cards for resource tablets and allocating resources and any exchanges or acquisitions. Only Lawyer (R&O) cards can be retained for future use.

Used main game cards go in the used pile unless a player gets a failure notice in which case the project card is returned to the unused deck and the resource to the resource container.

Resource must be allocated to projects by the end of each go if it is possible to do so, but can be re-allocated at future goes.

After each go any player or observer can replenish the cards from the top of the pile, moving left to right or top to bottom. Players place a freedom to operate block (syringe) on one card – the next player cannot take that row/column.

Players must move the syringe to another card whether they want to or not and the syringe must be placed on a card and not on an empty square.

The Lawyer cards can be used to move the freedom to operate block, to refute threats from divestments or acquisitions or to overturn a non-approval or request for resubmission (via dice).

Once a project is complete and fully resourced (discovery, development and clinical), the player can use one go and one tablet of resource (of any colour) to go for approval by rolling the submission. If the outcome is no, play moves on. If the outcome is resubmission, the player can try again if they have resource to do so. The player moves their counter forward by the relevant amount.

At the end of the game

The game ends when a player cannot pick up 3 cards or cannot go for approval – each player then gets one more opportunity to go if they can.

Portfoli-oh! Scoring

For every approved project you move your counter around the board.  At the end of the game you use the Board Strategy cards to move more.  But be aware, at the end of the game the cards you have left may move you backwards as well as forwards.

Game Set Up

Game can be played by 2, 3 or 4 players, and works well with teams of any number of players. Each player/team chooses a counter and places it just off the board at position zero. Game cards (resources and projects) are thoroughly shuffled together and put in a 9-card grid face up with the rest in a face down deck. In licensed projects, risks and opportunities and board strategy cards are shuffled and placed face down in 3 stacks.

Game Play

Each player is dealt 3 board strategy cards and must keep at least one. These are kept secret from other players. At any point in the game any player can use a turn to take 3 more board strategy cards from the top of the deck and must retain at least one, returning unwanted cards to the deck. Players cannot keep duplicates. No player can have more than 3 board strategy cards in play at any given time so if a player acquires a fourth card through risk and opportunity one must be discarded.

Play proceeds clockwise starting with the player/team member who had the most recent birthday. At each turn, players pick up an entire row, column or diagonal (3 cards) and implement decisions resulting from those cards including exchanging resource cards for resource tablets and allocating resources and any exchanges or acquisitions. Only Lawyer (R&O) cards can be retained for future use.

Used main game cards go in the used pile unless a player gets a failure notice in which case the project card is returned to the unused deck and the resource to the resource container.

Resource must be allocated to projects by the end of each go if it is possible to do so, but can be re-allocated at future goes.

After each go any player or observer can replenish the cards from the top of the pile, moving left to right or top to bottom. Players place a freedom to operate block (syringe) on one card – the next player cannot take that row/column.

Players must move the syringe to another card whether they want to or not and the syringe must be placed on a card and not on an empty square.

The Lawyer cards can be used to move the freedom to operate block, to refute threats from divestments or acquisitions or to overturn a non-approval or request for resubmission (via dice).

Once a project is complete and fully resourced (discovery, development and clinical), the player can use one go and one tablet of resource (of any colour) to go for approval by rolling the submission. If the outcome is no, play moves on. If the outcome is resubmission, the player can try again if they have resource to do so. The player moves their counter forward by the relevant amount.

At the end of the game

The game ends when a player cannot pick up 3 cards or cannot go for approval – each player then gets one more opportunity to go if they can.

Portfoli-oh! Scoring

For every approved project you move your counter around the board. At the end of the game you use the Board Strategy cards to move more. But be aware, at the end of the game the cards you have left may move you backwards as well as forwards.